This is not an in-depth story of my life, but rather closer to a follow up from the live video I posted a number of weeks ago about health and fitness and loving our bodies. Since then, I had many women tell me how much they appreciated what I had shared and how it had impacted them. I think it’s time we as women become more real about life and stop pretending that we have it all figured out. I know I sure don’t. I do try to make it look like it though. But I realize that it’s much better doing life together than by yourself.
It’s been over 6 years since I found myself on a path of self-destruction. And I have finally gotten to the place where I was before I entered that phase of my life. It is so refreshing and so comforting to know I have finally reached my place of healing. About a month after I posted that video, I knew I was ready to start exercising again. I asked my husband to help me set up our mini gym in our basement. He so graciously helped me. He has always believed in me. My biggest fan for sure. That first session was awesome. I was so pumped and emotional at the same time. I even had fun. I knew I had conquered that ugly lie in my head and I was so relieved. Of course, I have had to take it really slow as I knew that if I didn’t, everyday would be a walking disaster.
I had hoped that as soon as I started exercising again, the cravings for sweet and greasy foods would go away. That hasn’t happened. They say that the mind responds to exercise and wants to eat well due to the exercise taking place. I have experienced that before. But not this time. I have had to retrain my thinking just like I am retraining my body. Both are being put under subjection to my decisions. And that, my friend, hasn’t been easy. But it has been refreshing. I realized that I can do this. I can conquer the lies that have made their home in my head and they will no longer keep me in bondage to my own fears and failures.
I have said many times that the reason we should be making changes in our lives is not because we hate our bodies and we want to change what we look like but rather because we love ourselves and we want to do whatever it takes to give our bodies the best chance at life. I love myself (and my family for that matter), and that is why I have not given up on this fight. And you should too. We could all complain about the rolls we don’t like, cellulite we try to cover up, stretch marks from having children, hips that are too wide, or no hips at all, breasts that are too small or too big, love handles that seem to appear every time we get dressed, and the list could go on. All these things are signs that you are indeed A WOMAN. So let’s stop the body shaming and let’s make better decisions for a better life. Let’s embrace our bodies and fight WITH them and not AGAINST them. It only takes one decision at a time. We don’t have to have it all figured out at once either. One day at a time is all it takes. The sooner we realize that we don’t have to look like the women in the magazines or on the tv commercials, the better we will be. It’s okay to be you! You are the only one who can do it and the only one qualified for that matter.
Let’s start making decisions based on truth instead of lies. Let’s encourage one another. Let’s start talking about these issues and let’s make a better life for ourselves and our families BECAUSE WE LOVE OUR BODIES.